PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, LLP "Your Accounting Solution" 219-12 74th Avenue Bayside, New York 11364 (718) 465-7839 (718) 479-2102 Fax e-mail:
Some Internet Sites of Interest
Part of the ease of using the World Wide Web
is linking from site to site. We hope the following links will be of use to you. Some sites are very busy at certain times of the day; other sites may be down for two or three days for maintenance. Try them later. We do not endorse any business or product you may find as a result of these links. The links were chosen as a sample of what the Internet has to offer. There are many fine companies on the Internet, but there are also those who should never be allowed to sell anything to anyone. We caution you: do not enter into any agreement or purchase anything via the Internet until you and your advisors are satisfied that you are getting what you are paying for. The various reference links and calculators will provide you with food for thought. Any computations you arrive at with these sources should be considered rough estimates. If you are looking for numbers you can rely on, please call us for assistance. Government
and Political Sites: Reference Material
and Lookup Sites: General sites: Thanks for visiting our pages! We invite you to call us at any time. We would be pleased to discuss your tax, financial, and business matters with you.
SERVICES, LLP "Your Accounting Solution" 219-12 74th Avenue Bayside, New York 11364 (718) 465-7839 (718) 479-2102 Fax e-mail: |
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